P&C Executive Roles
Every year at the AGM in March all Executive positions are declared open, and you can nominate yourself or others via the Executive nominations form.
To ensure our P&C can function, all of the roles below need to be filled and supported by a greater team of volunteers. Therefore, we are always looking for people who are interested in succession planning or sharing a role. If you’re interested (or even just curious), then either get in touch directly with any of the team, or just start attending P&C meetings, events and join in any P&C activities which will give you great insight into how it all works and give you opportunity to ask questions and get involved.
Together we work as a team to support the planning and execution of all P&C activities.
The President provides leadership and is the accountable officer of the Association. Their role is to act as a representative of the Association, encourage communication between the Association, school administration and the community and encourage participation in the Association. The President will be the Chair of meetings and conduct them in an efficient and timely fashion, being familiar with the rules, constitution and other documents governing Association operations. The President is an official member of the school council for the School.
Vice President:
The Vice President provides essential support for the President and possibly other members of the Executive Committee. They will Chair those meetings from which the President is absent and carry out any duties that have been delegated by the President. They should also be familiar with the rules, constitution and other documents governing Association operations.
The Secretary collates the agenda papers for each meeting, (including subcommittee reports) and assists the president in preparing an agenda for each meeting. They prepare and present minutes of the Association’s meetings, record and deal with correspondence in/out as directed and generally organise, record, and maintain information pertaining to the activities of the Association.
The Treasurer has the overall responsibility for the financial management of the P&C, including all subcommittee accounts. In their role they must comply with the Accounting Manual for P&C Associations in all respects. They prepare an annual budget and Annual Operational Plan for the P&C in consultation with the Association’s Executive Committee and should be involved in the preparation of the school budget. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to keep accurate accounts of receipts and expenditure.
If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact us.