P&C Meetings

Come along and find out more about what the P&C are doing to support Palmview State Secondary College… whether that’s fundraising, volunteering, supporting the school, and so much more!

Notification of meetings and other events is via email to current members, our Facebook page, the school Facebook page, and school Compass messages.

📌 Thursday 13th March 2025

This month is our AGM followed by our March General Meeting.

Members, parents and guests are all welcome. 🙂

Location: ‘A’ Block Conference Room (Level 2 of the main admin/office building)
Time: Gathering from 5:30pm, and the Meeting starts 6pm

We will be gathering from 5:30pm with refreshments – this is an opportunity for guests and new members to meet our current members, and for everyone to be prepared to start promptly at 6pm.

Online access via Teams will be available from 5:50pm – please email us if you require the link: pandc@palmviewsscpandc.org.au

If you have anything that would like to include in the agenda, please email the details to: secretary@palmviewsscpandc.org.au

😁 We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! All welcome!

When: Thursday 13th March
Time: Gathering from 5:30pm – meeting starts at 6pm
Where: ‘A’ Block Conference Room (+ online meeting link available via email below).
RSVP: pandc@palmviewsscpandc.org.au

Meeting Etiquette


Participation in meetings is encouraged. Any new topics you may wish to introduce should be requested for inclusion on the agenda prior to the meeting by emailing the P&C pandc@palmviewssc.eq.edu.au. Although agendas are structured, the process for participating allows for opportunities to contribute.


During a meeting, actions may be recorded against a person. These may arise out of discussion or conversation and are a particular course of action that is expected to be undertaken. These actions form part of the meeting minutes. Everyone is held to account for the actions associated with them, and previous meeting actions are discussed during the meeting.


Motions occur frequently during meetings and usually involve an expenditure of funds or a decision to be made. The process is: someone moves an action, someone else seconds the motion, and discussion is held. Once completed, a vote is held. If the majority agree, the motion passes and the actions associated with the motion are recorded. If it is not passed, the motion is not carried. Voting usually takes place with a show of hands. It is noted that we encourage people to question the motion and not to vote for it if they aren’t comfortable in supporting that decision.