
Volunteering is great fun and an important way to support the school, make great friends and of course, your kids love family involvement at the school. Volunteers are parents, carers, grandparents, community members.

While we love (and rely on) some fabulous individuals who help with almost every P&C activity (thank you – we appreciate you!) … the contribution of those who just volunteer once or twice through the year is just as important and valued. If every parent/carer gave just an hour of their time each year we would have hundreds of hours of support. We would like to request that every parent / carer support P&C activity in the way that suits them best.

If you’re worried that volunteering once means you’re suddenly going to be roped in to everything – don’t … that’s not what we’re about. And we know that some years you might be able to get more involved than others – that’s okay too!

Volunteer your time – this could mean a regular commitment, or to be part of a long-term project, or just help out once a year!

  • Be an active P&C Member, attend meetings
  • Volunteer to help at the Tuckshop
  • Volunteer to help with a P&C event or fundraiser – this could mean planning and organisation, contribution of goods for sale, or help with set up, run and pack down.

Contribute your skills – creating, catering, organising, marketing, grant writing… let us know if you have any handy skills!

Donate directly to the P&C – you can donate any amount at any time. This works for some families who have the means but perhaps not the time.

Tuckshop Volunteers

The Tuckshop cannot exist without its volunteer helpers. We welcome help from Mums, Dads, grandparents, other caregivers, friends, etc.

The Tuckshop always needs more helpers. Roster yourself on with a friend, or come on your own and make new friends.

Help is required between 9am to 12pm on the days the tuckshop is open – but if you can give even an hour or two, this is still very welcome – we can make use of any time you are able to give us.