About Us

Palmview State Secondary College P&C Association was formed late 2022, in preparation for the school opening in 2023. Our foundation interim executive team consisting of Brianna Page, Christine Humphries, Amber Holland and Belinda Elder contributed significantly with their time and skills to ensure our P&C association successfully launched and operated throughout their time as our executive team. They leave an amazing legacy, and inspire us to continue their work and uphold their quality of leadership.

Palmview State Secondary College has an active Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association who work to unite the school community and to support the needs and aims of the school.

Broadly, the P&C aims to:

  • Build cooperation and communication between parents, teachers and students and to promote positive experiences for the wider school community
  • Fundraise to improve facilities and resources and to meet the needs and aims of the school
  • Provide students with the opportunity to purchase lunch time meals and snacks via the Tuckshop

P&C membership is open to all parents, guardians, carers and friends who want to positively input into the life of the school. Volunteers meet regularly, and share their time, energy and skills in different ways. It’s an easy way to meet other parents, to take an active part in your child’s education and to have fun!

We are governed, run and supported by a passionate group of parents, professionals, school staff and community members.

President: Fiona Rothwell

Secretary: position open – please contact us to apply

Treasurer: Craig Rothwell

Vice President: Cheri McGregor

Vice President: Melanie Holder